Lost item(s) : Passeport lost in Bangkok (Thailand)

Lost item

This report of lost property was transmitted in French

Description of lost item(s) : Passeport français à mon nom

Color : Marron / Rouge bordeaux

Model : France

Location of loss : Dans le train de nuit de la nuit du 21/03/2023 entre Bangkok et Chiang mai.
Taxi dans Bangkok
Hostel Yes Khoasan
Bang sue train station

Item(s) lost in transport

Date of loss : 03/21/2023

I found this / these item(s)
If you have found this item, please send an e-mail to the following address :

found2038 info

I have lost one or several item(s)
If you have lost an item(s) and would like to report the loss online, click here to access the online report form.

I found another item
If you have found an item, we invite you to bring it back to the Lost and Found department of the city or place where you found it or to pass it on to a police officer or in a town hall.

Report Lost and found