Lost and Found Taxi Kolding

Lost found taxi Kolding
lost items If you have lost one or several item(s), you will find information on how to contact a lost and found property service on this page.

Contact informations following the loss of an item

info lost and found Name : Kolding Police Station - Lost and Found Service
adress lost and found Adress : Birkemose Allé 23-25
6000 Kolding

phone number lost and found Phone number : +45 76 28 14 48
opening hours lost property Opening hours : Monday, tuesday & wednesday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Thursday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

website adress lost and found Website : https://politi.dk/sydoestjyllands-politi/kolding-politistation

List of the main items found

  • Lost Personal Items : Keys, ID, Passport, Wallet, Documents, Badge, Licence (...)
  • Lost Electronics : Phone, Tablet, Device charger, Camera, Laptop, Headphones (...)
  • Lost Accessories : Purse, Bag, Backpack, Sunglasse, Eyeglasse, Jewellery (...)
  • Lost Clothing : Gloves, Cap, Hat, Scarf, Sweater, Coat, Vest (...)